New Jersey Auto Insurance
Auto insurance is required in New Jersey. As a New Jersey driver, you have many choices when it comes to purchasing auto insurance. Each choice you make affects the coverage you receive and the amount you pay.
The New Jersey Department of banking and Insurance shares the following informaton:
Differences Between Basic and Standard Policies
The Basic Policy usually costs significantly less than a Standard Policy, but provides limited benefits. It is not for everyone, but it does provide enough coverage to meet the minimum insurance requirements of New Jersey law. The Basic Policy could be an option for those with few family responsibilities and few assets to protect (including income from a job).
The chart below compares the differences between the Standard and Basic policies and explains the amounts of coverage you may be able to purchase from an insurer.
The Sullivan Financial Group, LLC is a full service agency licensed in several states; but New Jersey is our sole focus regarding personal auto insurance. With the regulations and competition here in the Garden State, we have made the decision to focus specifically on New Jersey Auto Insurance and no other state. If you are planning on moving here, give us a call and we will be happy to educate you on the differences of NJ Auto Insurance compared to your home state. Also, as we are on the boarder of New York, we do handle state to state transfers all the time, both ways!.
Defensive Driving Classes:
Did you know that New Jersey allows you to have points removed from your NJ License?? Please take a look at the State of NJ Department of Motor Vehicles Website for a list of sanctioned Defensive Driving Classes – and send us a copy of your certificate for a DEFENSIVE DRIVING DISCOUNT and have some points removed from your license too!!
Additional New Jersey Auto Insurance Discounts:
Many carriers offer a various array of discount to help reduce premium. We offer several discounts, but below is a list of just a few:
Early Shopping Bonus Monthly EFT Life Insurance Good Student
Health Insurance Defensive Driving E-Mail Address Away at School
New Car Safety Device Anti-Theft Device Good Driver
Safe Driver Retired Driver Senior Driver Muti-Car
Multi-Policy Homeowner Renter Policy Restricted Driver
These are just a few examples of the discounts we have available. Give us a call and get a FREE QUOTE TODAY!!